Conscious Parenting: Slowly Learning How To Be a Better Parent

A Letter To My Son On His Eleventh Birthday

Eleven Lessons He’s Taught Me About Parenting and Life

Shelley Moore
7 min readDec 10, 2019


Eleven years ago everything changed when I became a Mom.

Eleven years ago today, you were born and since then my world has never been the same. You have brought so much joy, love and adventure to my life. Thank you.

Thank you for your curiosity, patience and the many lessons you continue to teach me on this journey together. Here are just a few of them.

1. On love

You have taught me what love is. What loving with my whole heart looks like and holding nothing back. And through this love, I have learned to love myself again. By taking care of myself, physically, emotionally, spiritually, you learn about love. You learn how to treat yourself, by how I treat myself. You learn how to love yourself, by how I love myself.

When faced with a decision, the answer is love. It’s always love.

Your openness and compassion has reminded me that when given an option, to always choose love.

2. On Courage

I thought I was courageous before you came along. I’d bungee jumped, skydived…



Shelley Moore
Shelley Moore

Written by Shelley Moore

Nutrition Nerd 🥑 Lifelong Learner 📚 Unschooler 🌱 Outdoor Enthusiast 🏞 Grateful Mama 👶🏻 World Traveler 🌍 Connector 🔗 — Join me! 💛🙏🏼✨☀️!

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