Member-only story
Our Transition From the Traditional Education System to Unschooling
Children Are Not a Reflection of Their Parents.
The importance of cultivating their desires and dreams.

What is the magic word?
He wants the ice cream but forgot to use the precursor to almost every toddler’s wish.
A disproportionate time has been spent reminding him to use his please’s and thank you’s. It becomes the foundation for teaching good manners and social etiquette.
As a first-time parent, I found myself constantly seeking validation for my decisions. It left me feeling inadequate and uncomfortable when others had to remind my son to say please.
My ego quickly interjected to rectify the situation.
This was MY son (as if I own him) and his behaviour was a direct reflection of me and my ability to parent.
His behaviour acted as a barometer of my parenting and invited judgment from others.
I struggled to “let it go” in the early days. To accept that everyone has an opinion, but to follow my gut. I questioned whether I had motherly instincts. Could I be responsible to lead him in the right direction?
Unconsciously I began to project my unfulfilled dreams and desires onto him, as though he had come as a stop-gap.
I saw his imperfections as my imperfections as a parent.
Thankfully I was introduced to Dr. Shefali and her work in conscious parenting. It helped to change how I view parenting and my role as a mom.
I began supporting more than leading.
I listened more than I spoke.
I respected his decisions and allowed him to make mistakes.
I chilled out.