How Being Mindful Saved My Life

My Top 10 Strategies for incorporating mindfulness in daily life.

Shelley Moore


When you hear the word mindfulness, what does it mean for you? What kinds of images, sounds, smells does that word conjure up?

Ten years ago, I would have associated the word mindfulness with a mystical practice or Buddhism, represented with images of monks in robes, meditating in lotus pose on tatami mats. The smell of sandalwood throughout the zen-like atmosphere.



Shelley Moore

Nutrition Nerd πŸ₯‘ Lifelong Learner πŸ“š Unschooler 🌱 Outdoor Enthusiast 🏞 Grateful Mama πŸ‘ΆπŸ» World Traveler 🌍 Connector πŸ”— β€” Join me! πŸ’›πŸ™πŸΌβœ¨β˜€οΈ!